- Balancing and Energising the Five Elements within you
- An Integration Process of Remembering
- Unveiling the Truth of Who You Are
- Waking up Your Voice within Each Element Inside of You
- Balancing of your Masculine and Feminine (Shiva / Shakti) Energies
- Opportunity for Deep Clearing
- Bringing you into a direct experience of yourself as energy
- Receiving physical, emotional, mental and spiritually healing
- Waking Up Your Senses
- Rising of appropriate Kundalini energy
- Allowing the voice to be expressed
- Allowing more Trust
- Increased Consciousness and Awareness of Self
- Reconnection to Mother Earth
INTRODUCTION (5 Element Series) Are you ready to dive into the Archives of who you are? Are you ready to deeply surrender and trust? Are you ready to Remember? Through this series of InnerDance sessions, I will be guiding you on 5 journeys through the five elemental gateways to connect into your Inner-World of Divine Truth through your body’s intuitive wisdom. Note: You do not need to do all 5 sessions. However, in order to experience a full integration, I would recommend that you complete all five. Intentions & Benefits for these sessions:
Awakening the Hidden behind "The doorway into the Heart" Within the heart lie the secrets of our soul It is a multi-dimensional gateway into the sacred fountains within us It is a door that we often like to keep closed For many of us, we have protected this doorway to not feel what is there. …are you ready to reveal what’s hidden behind your doorway into your own Heart? What is within the cave of your heart that is ready to speak to you? What lies hidden in your Heart space that you are ready to discover? What fear do you have around opening up this gateway? What secrets and mysteries lie hidden behind these walls that you are ready to Remember? How does your body respond to the Hidden messages when you open the doorway into your own Heart "? “Remember, The Entrance door to this sanctuary is inside of you Rumi
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- How to prepare for the journey (PDF)
- Information about the subject (PDF)
- Introduction Audio (Mp3)
- Facilitated playlist (Mp3)
- Playlist on its own (Mp3)
Intentions & Benefits
- Unveiling the Truth of Who You Really Are
- Opportunity for Deep Healing and Clearing
- Transformational Shadow Work, bringing you closer to your Remembering
- Receiving physical, emotional, mental and spiritually healing
- For your expression, voice and True Spirit to be seen, heard and experienced
- Deeper Trust Within yourself
- Letting go of old belief systems & patterns
- Letting go of old paradigms of consciousness
- Ancestral & Past Life Clearings (if appropriate for you)
- More flow in your life
- Increased Confidence
- Birthing True Inner Power
- Awakening Heart Consciousness
- Increased Consciousness and Awareness of Self
- Bringing you into a direct experience of yourself as energy
- Rising of appropriate Kundalini energy
Balancing Masculine and Feminine (Transformation Series) We are born into a world of opposites. Dark / Light, Hot / Cold, Summer / Winter, Right brain / Left brain, Yin /Yang, Masculine / Feminine. Regardless of gender, we all have masculine and feminine energies within us. Having a healthy balance of both masculine and feminine qualities is fundamental at this time. One has to not only bring balance and harmony to them, but to particularly take notice of the shadow aspects of Self that are taking you further out of balance. Where are you resisting change? There are positive, healed and mature expressions of both masculine and feminine energy, as well as immature, dark, or toxic expressions. One of the biggest problems that humans experience is the imbalance of the masculine and feminine as a collective. Feminine energy of “being,” not “doing”. Positive expressions of feminine energy include creativity, being in the flow, intuition, nurturing, listening, love, openness, empathy, and the expression of feelings. The immature side of feminine energy can manifest as people-pleasing, not speaking up, manipulation, or being indecisive, submissive or unfocused. Positive masculine energy is associated with action, focus, strength, mission, purpose, drive, achievement, power, logic, reason, directness, clarity, predictability, stability, thinking and structure. The dark side of masculine energy manifests as being controlling, dismissive, overactive, coercive, and reckless. When we can express ourselves in Unity – with a healthy masculine and feminine energetic expression, we will be able to utilize our creation energy more effectively. We will then we are able to manifest and ground our ideas into the world from a place of trust, knowingness and empowerment.
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- Information about the subject (PDF)
- Playlist on its own (Mp3)
Becoming White Light What would you look like if you became pure white light? What if we could unravel ourselves to the point where we become “nothing” and “everything” at the same time? Where colour dissolves… Where the waking mind dissolves… Where we become one with the true consciousness of divinity Where we are able to return to zero point…. This journey invites you to deeply trust and surrender into nothingness. Attempt to not hold onto anything. Allow the music and sounds to take you where you need to go. Call in the “white light” of your True Self!
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- How to prepare for the journey (PDF)
- Information about the subject (PDF)
- Playlist on its own (Mp3)
Calling in Divine Will (Divinity Embodied Series) Are you living your life according to your Ego-Will OR Divine Will? For many of us, we want to follow our purpose and what we are born to do in this world, but very often we are actually coming from our ego. This can look like: wanting it to look a certain way; doing what we think others will approve of, staying in total control of the situation, doing what is safe and known to us or doing what we feel is “right”. When we start to make intentions to align ourselves with Divine Will; we have to totally surrender and trust in what that will look like and what that could mean for our life. This Innerdance session is to support you to call in and align with Divine Will. It is my unmistakable belief that not a blade of grass moves but by the divine will. Mahatma Gandhi
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- How to prepare for the journey (PDF)
- Information about the subject (PDF)
- Playlist on its own (Mp3)
Co-creating with the One (Divinity Embodied Series) You are an individual spark, who exists as you do, because of your own unique essence and soul’s higher purpose and evolutionary plan. You come from Source, The Infinite, God or The One. There are many names. One of the biggest woundings I believe on the planet today is that we have forgotten our connection to The One - where we have come from and where we always return to. This creates, amongst others things, feelings of loneliness, separation, power-struggles, jealousy, anger and even war. We are born with purpose and intention. We are here because of what we are here to express. That expression has a flavour, a sound and a vibration. It is important to know who you are from this space! This Innerdance session is to support you to access, feel and express this flavour of our own uniqueness and to express this from the space of connecting to The One. Your talent is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God. Leo Buscaglia
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- How to prepare for the journey (PDF)
- Information about the subject (PDF)
- Playlist on its own (Mp3)
This is a series of 3 playlists: Stillness within the Storm (Divinity Embodied Series) When we can become that stillpoint; that space of no time, no effort, no expectations, no fear, no pushing and no pulling. Where we can totally relax and surrender to any moment that we find ourselves in, we then reach a potent space of enlightenment that takes us into Zero-Point. The Void. The Abyss. The Nothing. The Everything. When we can become that Stillness - it doesn't matter what or who is around us. We can weather any storm or challenge because our frequency, or essence is vibrating to that still point. The level of Peace that then envelops us will start to radiate from us like a beaming light from our Core Being; not only affecting us - but affecting all those that come in contact with us. This Innerdance session is to support you to drop into this Stillness. Everything that's created comes out of silence. Your thoughts emerge from the nothingness of silence. Your words come out of this void. Your very essence emerged from emptiness. All creativity requires some stillness. Calling in Divine Will (Divinity Embodied Series) Are you living your life according to your Ego-Will OR Divine Will? For many of us, we want to follow our purpose and what we are born to do in this world, but very often we are actually coming from our ego. This can look like: wanting it to look a certain way; doing what we think others will approve of, staying in total control of the situation, doing what is safe and known to us or doing what we feel is “right”. When we start to make intentions to align ourselves with Divine Will; we have to totally surrender and trust in what that will look like and what that could mean for our life. This Innerdance session is to support you to call in and align with Divine Will. It is my unmistakable belief that not a blade of grass moves but by the divine will. Mahatma Gandhi Co-creating with the One (Divinity Embodied Series) You are an individual spark, who exists as you do, because of your own unique essence and soul’s higher purpose and evolutionary plan. You come from Source, The Infinite, God or The One. There are many names. One of the biggest woundings I believe on the planet today is that we have forgotten our connection to The One - where we have come from and where we always return to. This creates, amongst others things, feelings of loneliness, separation, power-struggles, jealousy, anger and even war. We are born with purpose and intention. We are here because of what we are here to express. That expression has a flavour, a sound and a vibration. It is important to know who you are from this space! This Innerdance session is to support you to access, feel and express this flavour of our own uniqueness and to express this from the space of connecting to The One. Your talent is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God. Leo Buscaglia
When you purchase this series of playlists, you will receive:
- How to prepare for the journey (PDF)
- Information about the subject (PDF)
- Playlist on its own (Mp3)
Dreaming This is an invitation to freely dream To be curious, child-like and open To connect deeply with your intentions whilst being open to dream something new Inviting the Yin & Yang within to merge Deeply grounded and rooted in who you are Allowing for messages and insights to emerge Supporting you with clarity you are seeking Trust Let go Freely Dream!
When you purchase this playlist, you will receive:
- How to prepare for the journey (PDF)
- Information about the subject (PDF)
- Playlist on its own (Mp3)
Goddess She is the one who speaks through the Divine Feminine. She is known as Shakti, Shekinah, Kali, Aphrodite and many more. This inner feminine spark has the power to invoke within us memories of deep soul wisdom, courage, sensuality, vulnerability and feminine power. This Innerdance journey is an invitation to reconnect with your inner feminine power through the embodiment and Remembrance of the Goddess within you. What does it feel like to welcome this energy in? What messages does she bring you? Who are you when you fully allow her to express herself? Invite her in to Play, Feel, Express and Unconditionally Love.
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- How to prepare for the journey (PDF)
- Information about the subject (PDF)
- Playlist on its own (Mp3)
Gratitude for this Earth Experience What lies beneath the Earth? What do you believe around why you are here? What moves you on this Earth? Why are you here? Can you connect to gratitude for your life? Can you feel the movement of the Earth within and around you? The interconnection between all living things. Nothing is separate. We are all One dancing together in Unity. Through this inner journey, inviting gratitude for this experience of living on Earth. What messages arise from within you? Who is there, what is there and how does it feel? When you purchase this playlist, you will receive:
- How to prepare for the journey (PDF)
- Information about the subject (PDF)
- Playlist on its own (Mp3)
INTRODUCTION This is a series of 5 InnerDance Sessions to support you in unlocking the hidden parts within you that are ready to be seen We all are Divine Spirits under our "masks". This is true in more ways than one right now! Yet, it is true for most of us. We spend so much of our time HIDING and as a consequence, stop ourselves from fulfilling our purpose - in turn creating situations which take us further away from where we truly want to be. I have created this series of sessions to support you in unveiling and removing layers and masks within you, so that you can begin to See, Uncover, Feel, Experience, Heal, Remember and Embody the hidden parts within you…. that are: 1) appropriate for you to uncover at this time AND 2) in alignment with your Highest! What is hiding that needs to be seen now? What is hidden from your awareness about your true nature? What is lying dormant within you around your purpose and potential? What does your fear protect you from? What is sitting in the shadows that you might not want to see? Yet – it’s waiting for you to be brave enough to find it! A New Human is waking up within many of us. In order for that New Human to fully wake up, you can support the process by slowly unravelling the masks, shadow parts and fears that stop you from expressing your true nature in the world…. And inevitably allow you to Remember Who You Really Are. I will also support you during the weeks with extra self-reflecting homework to support you in going even deeper (if you so choose). Each session I will also invite you to connect to your voice and the parts of you that have not been able to express. If it is appropriate for you, these sessions can support the awakening of your Hidden Voice. Note: You do not need to do all 5 sessions. However, in order to experience a full integration, I would recommend that you complete all five. Intentions & Benefits for these sessions:
- Unveiling the Truth of Who You Really Are
- Opportunity for Deep Healing and Clearing
- Transformational Shadow Work, bringing you closer to your Remembering
- Receiving physical, emotional, mental and spiritually healing
- For your expression, voice and True Spirit to be seen, heard and experienced
- Deeper Trust Within yourself
- Letting go of old belief systems & patterns
- Letting go of old paradigms of consciousness
- Ancestral & Past Life Clearings (if appropriate for you)
- More flow in your life
- Increased Confidence
- Birthing True Inner Power
- Awakening Heart Consciousness
- Increased Consciousness and Awareness of Self
- Bringing you into a direct experience of yourself as energy
- Rising of appropriate Kundalini energy
Mysteries of the Universe The Universe is all around us - It gives birth to light & dark and everything in between It holds our Earth and the elements within it Within each of us lie the mysteries of the universe …And if we travel in the right spaces within… We might find it! This journey invites you to explore new uncharted territories within. It invites you to open your mind, your consciousness. It asks you to put your ego and attachments aside and trust the process. It asks you to gentle seep into the cosmos and see what awaits there for you. Unravel yourself. Let go of what you think you know. Be brave to be yourself. Trust the process.
When you purchase this playlist, you will receive:
- How to prepare for the journey (PDF)
- Information about the subject (PDF)
- Playlist on its own (Mp3)